
الذكرى الستون لاستقلال غامبيا – لحظة تأمل جادة

بقلم/ باسيديا درامي

ينبغي أن تكون الذكرى الستون لاستقلال دولتنا الحبيبة، غامبيا، مناسبة وفرصة سانحة لنا – الغامبيين – للوقوف وقفة تأمل وتدبر لتقييم إنجازاتنا، إخفاقاتنا، والتحديات التي تنتظرنا.

اليوم، نستذكر تضحيات آبائنا الذين قادوا نضال الاستقلال، وقد وارَت جثامينهم التراب، ما عدا إم سي تشام، العضو الوحيد الذي مازال على قيد الحياة. كما نستذكر رئيسنا الأول الراحل، السير داودا كيرابا جاوارا، الذي تولى مقاليد السلطة في البلاد في وقتٍ وظروف شكك فيها الكثيرون في قدرة غامبيا على النهوض كدولة قابلة للبقاء. غير أن جاوارا نجح في بناء اللبنات الأولى للدولة الفتية من خلال إنشاء العديد من مؤسساتنا من الصفر بموارد محدودة جداً، وعزز الديمقراطية وسيادة القانون في منطقة مضطربة كان يحكم معظم دولها العسكر. وقد تم الاعتراف بجهوده من قبل منظمة الوحدة الإفريقية آنذاك، التي جعلت من بانجول مقرًا رئيسًا للمركز الإفريقي لحقوق الإنسان.

واجه جاوارا العديد من التحديات، سواء على الصعيد المحلي أو الدولي، بما في ذلك الانقلاب الفاشل في عام 1981 وأزمات اقتصادية خانقة في منتصف الثمانينيات. وربما كان أكبر اختبار له هو انهيار الاتحاد الفيدرالي مع السنغال في عام 1989، ثم الإطاحة به في انقلاب قاده يحيى جامي، الذي حكم البلاد بالنار والحديد لتعزيز قبضته على السلطة.

وعلى الرغم من أن غامبيا قد أحرزت التقدم في بعض المجالات، إلا أن التحديات الاجتماعية والسياسية والاقتصادية لا تزال قائمة، حيث لا يزال معظم الغامبيين يكافحون من أجل تلبية احتياجاتهم اليومية الأساسية. مؤخرًا، هددت رابطة الخبازين في غامبيا بزيادة أسعار الخبز، لكنها قررت في النهاية التراجع عن هذه الزيادة بشكل مؤقت بعد مناقشات مع الحكومة، مع العلم بأن زيادة الأسعار ستؤثر بشكل سلبي على المستهلكين الذين لا يطيق معظمهم تحمل تكاليف ثلاث وجبات يومياً، بل لا يكادون يجدون ما يسد رمقهم ويطفئ ظمأهم.

لا تزال خدمات الكهرباء والإنترنت باهظة الثمن بالنسبة لمعظم الغامبيين، في حين أن الوصول إلى التعليم والرعاية الصحية الجيدة لا يزال يمثل تحديًا للمواطن العادي. الفقر في ازدياد، وثقة الجمهور في قدرة الحكومة على تخفيف معاناة الفئات والشرائح المستضعفة في المجتمع تتآكل وسط تقارير متكررة عن الفساد وغياب المساءلة. جدير بالذكر أن التقارير تشير إلى أن الحكومة خصصت أكثر من 100 مليون دالاسي للاحتفال باليوبيل الماسي للاستقلال، مما أثار الضجة بين أفراد الجمهور الذين يرون أن هذه الخطوة تمثل إهداراً للموارد العامة كان من الممكن استثمارها بشكل أفضل في مجالات مثل الرعاية الصحية والتعليم أو توفير المركبات للشرطة الذين يفتقرون إلى الموارد اللازمة لمكافحة الجريمة التي باتت تستفحل في البلاد.

على الرغم من وعود الإصلاحات الجوهرية بعد انتخابات 2016، التي شهدت فوز التحالف ضد الرئيس السابق يحيى جامي، لم تقم إدارة بارو بعد بإقرار دستور جديد طالما ترقبه الشعب. كما أن الإصلاحات الانتخابية لا تزال بعيدة المنال مع اقتراب الانتخابات في عام 2026. شبابنا يتجهون بشكل متزايد نحو البحث عن الفرص في الخارج، على الرغم من المخاطر المرتبطة بالرحلة المميتة إلى أوروبا. وقد بدأت الحكومة في معالجة هذه الأزمة من خلال تدابير مثيرة للجدل، حيث أفادت التقارير بأن الحكومة الغامبية قامت بالتفاوض مع السعودية وإسبانيا لإرسال بعض المواطنين إلى تلك الدول للعمل في وظائف متدنية الأجر. وقد أثار ذلك الجدل، حيث يرى الكثيرون أن هؤلاء الأفراد سيكونون عرضة للاستغلال، وأن هذه القرارات تبرز فشل الحكومة في توفير فرص العمل لشبابنا.

من المهم التساؤل عما إذا كنا حقًا مستقلين، بالنظر إلى اعتمادنا المستمر على المعونة الأجنبية لتنفيذ المشاريع ودعم ميزانيتنا. إن قرار الرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب بتعليق أنشطة الوكالة الأمريكية للتنمية الدولية (USAID) له تداعيات خطيرة على العديد من الدول النامية، بما في ذلك غامبيا التي تعتمد على هذه المساعدات لتنفيذ بعض مشاريعها، بما فيها البرنامج الانتقالي الذي يتضمن محاكمة الرئيس السابق يحيى جامي وزبانيته المتهمين بالتورط في انتهاكات جسيمة لحقوق الإنسان. ويبرز هذا الوضع عدم موثوقية المساعدات الأجنبية وعدم استدامتها، مما يسلط الضوء على الحاجة الماسة لتحقيق الاعتماد على الذات لتحقيق الاستقلال الحقيقي.

علاوة على ذلك، رغم أن اللغة الإنجليزية يتحدث بها عدد قليل من الغامبيين، إلا أنها تظل لغتنا الرسمية المتداولة في الدوائر الحكومية. وهي اللغة المستخدمة في البرلمان من قبل النواب الذين من المفترض أن يخاطبوا ناخبيهم، ومعظمهم لا يتحدثون الإنجليزية. وهذا الوضع يبرز الحاجة لإعادة النظر في سياساتنا اللغوية لتخليص عقولنا من الاستعمار.

ختاما: إن الاحتفال بالاستقلال ينبغي ألا يقتصر على المهرجانات والفعاليات الفارغة، بل يجب علينا أن نلتفت إلى الوراء لتقييم إخفاقاتنا والعمل على معالجتها ونحن نتطلع إلى المستقبل.

ليبارك الله في غامبيا!

اظهر المزيد

مقالات ذات صلة

‫2 تعليقات

  1. Every department of the armed forces uses a easy body weight exercise to maintain everybody in peak physical condition — they clearly perceive the advantages of jumping jacks!

    While workout routines like squats, pushups, and pullups
    have their own advantages, jumping jacks can take a exercise to an entire different degree.
    If you’ve simply started resistance coaching with dumbbells, you
    could be uncertain about what will work greatest.
    If you’re looking for one transfer you can do anyplace
    that can bulletproof your shoulders, consider including scapular wall slides.
    In order to have a healthy functioning shoulder, you have
    to have an honest amount of mobility, stability and power when moving your
    arms. Scapular wall slides will educate you to
    upwardly rotate the scapular, which is critical for
    transfer corresponding to overheard pressing. However with out this mobility and function, your movements can be restricted.
    Under, we share a triad of body weight blasters to add to your subsequent shoulder workout
    — no barbell or squat rack needed.
    The best dumbbell shoulder exercises use a extensive range of workout routines to hit all three
    heads of the deltoid. Beneath, I will show you what an instance energy day and hypertrophy day could look like.
    That mentioned, you would be greatest served when you don’t plan out a complete break up focused on pounding your shoulders with heavy weights, as you’ll
    for other muscle groups like your legs. “We need to be super bang for your buck [when training the shoulders],” says MH fitness
    director Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S. “You needn’t kill your shoulders.”
    With the push press, it should be possible to raise a nice deal of weight,
    more so than some other shoulder train in existence.
    This is as a result of, initially the push press requires power to be generated from the hips and knees so as
    drive the bar in a vertical path. As Quickly As the bar is shifting, the deltoids (along with a variety of other upper physique muscles) should powerfully engage so as to lock-out
    the elbows and efficiently complete the raise.
    This train is better for targeting the deltoids more particularly.

    As A End Result Of you may be sat down, your core doesn’t have to work
    as onerous to stabilise you. This means, you won’t be succesful of carry as heavy in a seated dumbbell
    press than a standing one, nevertheless it does help to attain muscle mass progress within the deltoids more particularly.

    Right Here we’ll go into neck anatomy, benefits of direct
    neck training, and 4 neck workout routines to add the cherry
    on prime of your cranium. Stand up and, using the same weights as 2B, bend forwards
    out of your hips. Swap to lighter dumbbells then, leaning ahead slightly, increase them to
    shoulder peak, main with your elbows. Lastly, for the posterior deltoids, you must carry out
    the Face Pull, One Arm Rear Delt Row, and Banded Rear Delt Pull.
    In short, you can’t isolate the deltoid muscular tissues with those larger lifts.

    Aside from the traditional bodyweight train, I’m additionally going to throw in some
    resistance band workout routines as I know lots of you have a set at residence.
    If you’re on the lookout for extra of the best deltoid exercises
    to add to your workouts, you probably can take a look at my article on Finest Delt Exercises to see more examples.
    That means one of the only ways to build and develop your deltoids
    is to make use of lighter weights and intensely focus on the contraction. Strengthening all parts of the deltoid
    muscle— anterior, lateral, and posterior—can dramatically improve your posture.

    If you experience any ache or discomfort utilizing a barbell, change to dumbbells
    or a cable pulley. You can also use the Smith Machine to offer further stability, although this ought to be a last resort.
    However the true key to this half of the exercise is doing drop units.
    You will select a weight that permits you to do 15 reps on the first set.
    On the third and final set you’ll do a serious drop set by reaching muscle failure after which
    reducing the load by one plate. After you reach failure again, you scale back the burden by another plate.

    In addition, cable row is among the most effective corrective workout routines
    that assist compensate for poor posture and shoulder dysfunction. Now, it’s
    a reasonably easy train, and anyone can do it successfully, making
    it ideal for measurement and energy positive aspects. You can use varied
    attachments with the cable that can hit nearly each muscle group
    a technique or another. As long as you train these, you’ll be hitting every head of the
    shoulder muscle group. The video beneath would
    not use a bench for stability, however you’ll have the ability to see the range of motion you should be using.

    Whereas these are essential for measurement and power, neglecting
    the rear delts can leave your physique looking
    incomplete. Similarly, arm workouts like tricep dips or bicep curls can not directly work your
    shoulders. It’s not a lot totally different for
    the non-powerlifter who likes to go onerous on chest day with a wide range of presses and flyes.

    And should you assume the pull-ups, pulldowns and rows you do for again will sufficiently hit the rear
    Meanwhile, there was no difference between the grips for middle deltoid muscle activity.
    Most of my shoulder exercises embody ample workouts for not solely the entrance
    and center deltoid, but additionally the posterior or rear deltoid.

    To do that exercise, regulate the ankle strap on your
    upper arm simply above the elbow. The attachment to the cable pulley must be positioned on the inside part of your arm.
    If the cable pulley is adjustable, set it to a position just under hip peak.
    If the pulley position is not adjustable, use the pulley
    from the floor position.
    If you can’t raise your arms as you’re leaving the health club, that’s
    an excellent factor. Multiply that by all of the several
    varieties of lifting gear available these days (barbells, dumbbells, cables and so on) and the chances for shoulder exercises are infinite.
    But, by some means, there are nonetheless tons of fellows whose delts are unbalanced,
    whether it’s the entrance delts overpowering the rear delts or the
    middle delts getting all the eye. Of all the deltoids, this is
    the pinnacle most probably to be overdeveloped. Performing as a synergist or helper muscle, the
    anterior deltoids work everytime you do overhead presses,
    front raises, bench presses, push-ups, flyes, or
    So, get able to unlock new levels of higher back strength and
    muscle positive aspects. Thank you for taking the time to learn this list of one of the best biceps exercises!

    Now it’s time to choose up the iron and use that data to construct the massive and robust biceps you’ve always needed.

    Strong rear delts ensure that your shoulders can deal with varied actions and weights extra efficiently, promoting longevity in your health journey.
    Each shoulder workout ought to start with you mobilising the shoulder joints.
    Earlier Than you contact a weight, spend five to 10 minutes activating your shoulder muscles and rising
    your vary of motion (we love to do plank twists with
    a attain via for this).
    Attaining impressive wide delts isn’t just about pumping iron—it’s about
    smart, targeted training. These 6 exercises are the right
    constructing blocks for a routine that may assist you
    to develop well-rounded deltoid muscle progress and
    increased energy. Make certain to be conscious of working the three completely different elements of the shoulders and hold the correct type at
    all times to avoid harm. Stand together with your toes shoulder-width
    apart, with dumbbells in every hand. Carry laterally first, preserving your arms
    straight and elevating dumbbells to shoulder peak.

    This exercise has a badass name and appears
    fairly cool, too—and it could be a fair better movement in your shoulders and core than you’d anticipate.
    This is not all flash; it’s a novel pressing problem because of the longer levers than traditional implements.
    Along with your seated position, you’ll additionally remove
    any likelihood at cheating your shoulders by beginning
    with the load on the bottom, so that you’re lifting from a dead cease
    position. From here, reinitiate the lift and squeeze the shoulders as onerous as you’ll find a way to to get the dumbbell to just previous shoulder peak with your arm parallel to the ground.
    Lifting lighter is the single largest change I made in my
    shoulder training and you’ll easily see that it’s dramatically elevated my shoulder measurement.
    Purpose for between 8-10 reps per set (unless acknowledged otherwise) and take not than 60 seconds relaxation in between units.

    The heavier workout routines early within the workout lend themselves to lower reps, while
    ending off with a few high-rep units ends the workout on a high notice and offer
    you a sleeve-bursting pump. For most lifters, I counsel three
    biceps exercises per exercise to hit all muscle fibers from each angle.
    You can even do cable curls with a rope, which turns it into a substitute for the dumbbell hammer curl.
    The neutral grip reduces the load in your biceps but increases it on your brachialis and brachioradialis muscle tissue.
    With a free-weight curl, you are the strongest at the mid-point
    of the reps, but you lose a variety of the pressure at the
    bottom and top of the curl. With cable curls,
    you get fixed tension on your biceps throughout the motion.
    Even when you don’t increase the quantity of units you perform, you’ll still discover that you’re in a place to carry out more reps, at
    heavier weights leading to large progress. For some of us, there’s nothing better than placing
    heavy stuff overhead. This old-school free-weights-only shoulder exercise begins off with
    heavy, powerful push-presses, then pumps up your lateral and rear
    delts with dumbbells. The secret to the Cable Face Pull’s effectiveness
    lies in the mixture of external rotation and horizontal pulling.

    This movement engages the rear deltoids intensely, along with the muscular tissues of the higher back.
    The fixed tension provided by the cable ensures that the rear delts are engaged throughout the whole vary of movement, making this exercise
    a complete rear delt builder. As you pull your physique
    upwards, the rear deltoids are referred to as into motion to
    control and execute the motion.
    The dumbbell lateral increase works the side of the shoulders, additionally
    known as the lateral head. It’s an isolation train that primarily targets the lateral head
    of the shoulder. This train combines a regular shoulder press with a rotational
    movement, focusing on multiple elements of the deltoid muscular tissues.

    Nonetheless, it’s fallen out of favor lately,
    with many trainers saying it’s unhealthy in your shoulders.
    The fact is, in case you have enough higher physique mobility,
    you must be succesful of do this exercise safely and comfortably.
    Nonetheless, if it bothers your shoulders, you can do
    common shoulder presses instead.
    Reverse curls force your brachialis and forearm muscle tissue to do extra of
    the work. In addition, they are a good way to boost your grip power.
    The entrance, or anterior, deltoid begins from the outer portion of the clavicle and attaches to the deltoid tuberosity, located on the prime of the upper arm.
    This a part of the muscle participates in any movement by which
    the higher arm is pulled forward and/or upward.
    You ought to now have a good idea of the completely different shoulder workout routines you can do at house
    with limited equipment. One Other variation for the
    front and middle parts of your shoulders is the TRX overhead elevate.
    Just like with an everyday lateral elevate, decrease again down and repeat for reps.

    Reverse the entire motion by bending your elbows and decreasing your upper physique to the
    bottom. Transferring back to an train that targets the front and center head of the shoulder
    very successfully, we now have dive-bombers. The trapezius muscle is the second largest in the
    again, taking on two-thirds of the upper-mid again.
    From the front, the upper traps refill the space between the neck and the shoulders.

    However having wings will widen your physique, particularly from behind.
    This will fill out your V taper, creating a strong
    wide look. You wish to target the higher portion of your lats through pulldowns
    and pull-ups. Train your shoulders twice per week,
    ensuring at least 48 hours between exercises to permit
    for full recovery and growth. Other multiple-head muscle groups (such because the biceps) have the same origin and insertion points for their muscle heads.

    There have been quite a few studies on done creatine on effective it is enhancing physical efficiency as properly
    as features in fat/bone-free mass. Wide grip chin ups are virtually second to none
    in phrases of increasing shoulder girdle girth and creating as much area as possible between shoulder ends.
    Made for the elite athlete and the strong-willed
    our products have been designed to fuel your athletic performance.
    Rotate from your shoulder and the center of your back, not your
    decrease again.
    For those that exercise from residence or outdoors without equipment,
    the shoulder muscular tissues could be a troublesome muscle group to target (as
    can again muscles). Nonetheless, with the right exercises, you can successfully target your
    shoulders with simply your body weight. You merely have to position your physique so it has to press against gravity.
    This movement targets the outer a part of the mid traps together with the rear delts.

    This train will assist enhance your again width and achieve
    the coveted 3D aesthetics.
    Strive to go progressively heavier every week, however don’t drop below 6-8
    reps. Neglecting the facet or rear delts is a standard reason for imbalanced or underdeveloped  shoulders.
    Understanding the location and function of every part of your
    shoulder muscles will assist you to identify and handle
    your weak factors and promote balanced shoulder improvement.
    However your shoulders won’t benefit from lifting too much weight and swinging your upper
    body to raise the dumbbells. If you’re fighting underdeveloped shoulders, lower your weights and pay higher consideration to your form.

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